
Cool project alert!

Sharing this Call For Submissions for a really amazing upcoming project we heard about:

I'm looking for anyone interested in taking part in a collaborative zine project about the experience of Vulva Pain due to Vulvodynia/Vulva Vestibulitis, Pudendal Neuralgia, Pelvic Floor dysfunction and any other related pain issues. I’m inviting people to contribute writing, poetry, photography, drawing or any other type of visual art that speaks to their experience of Vulva Pain. This could reflect on the impact the pain has had on your well being, relationships, sexuality, how you talk/don’t talk about it with others, frustrations/experiences with medical professionals, what recovery/healing looks like for you or how you take care of yourself. These are just a few ideas based on some common themes I have picked up when speaking to others. Any other ideas/themes are more than welcome. I recognize that this type of health issue has a different meaning and results in a different experience for everyone, so there is really no right or wrong way to contribute to this project.

I am hoping that this will be a supportive experience for individuals involved and in distributing the zine will hopefully open up some dialogue about a type of pain that can feel taboo to discuss openly with others and is not well understood by most medical professionals. The aim of this collaborative is to acknowledge the distress and debilitation of having a vagina that hurts, the impact it has on relationships and sex, and a celebration of recovery in whatever form recovery and healing may take place.

If you would like to be involved please email me at nicole.shaw3@gmail.com. I am hoping to have all the contributions by mid-May and to put the zine together by mid-June.

1 comment:

  1. Hello it's Nicole here (who is putting the project together). If you are interested in becoming involved I have decided to move the date for contributions until the end of May!
    Please don't hesitate to email me with any questions/ideas
